Boundless K-12 Curriculum: PLACE
What does it mean for a culture when access to homelands change?
Collider Study #1 depicts the skeletal remains of Tofu, a young humpback whale that was struck by a shipping boat off the coast of New England in 2007. Its flipper extends in reach towards a red poppy in bloom. Shinnecock (or People of the Shore) no longer have access to hunting or harvesting whales, as their ancestors did.
“What strengthens my work is the connection of being from an Indigenous culture, whose history lies strongly in the sustenance and ceremony of the whale, but whose current cultural practice does not practice whaling. I do not have access to materials gifted by the whale. The tooth, bone, and baleen would have been used in the past to make our cultural patrimony. What happens when there are no whales?
– Courtney M. Leonard
Discuss why Courtney M. Leonard might have placed the imagery of a poppy flower next to a whale skeleton.
How does Leonard’s art connect acts of remembrance and whale relatives in a way that shows a continued relationship with homelands?
Boundless K-12 Curriculum
* YouTube links to audiovisual materials shared by other creators are included in the curriculum. For more information, including for captioning and transcripts of the suggested audiovisual materials, please contact the audio/video content creators.
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