Acknowledgment of Place

When I began curating Boundless, I traveled from Minnesota to Amherst. I found myself in a new place, so I followed Ojibwe protocols for entering another culture group’s homeland. In curating the exhibition, I was enacting a kind of foraging or gathering as I selected from the published histories and works by current artists of their cultures. I explained to the Indigenous people I met here that I had come to work on Boundless and I asked permission to gather on their grounds. I brought gifts with me and offered them.

I did so because that is what we do and because place—not only land, but water—matters.

In the spirit of acknowledgment, I ask you to take a moment to consider how place matters to you.

In the spirit of acknowledgment, I ask you to consider how place is important to the words and works in Boundless today.

—Heid E. Erdrich (Ojibwe), Guest Curator and Writer

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